Dear prayer partners,
All Scripture is eternally relevant, but during an unprecedented global catastrophe, some passages seem unbelievably relevant. Habakkuk 3:17-19 is one of those. Unusually appropriate!
“Praise be to God! Only by his grace, we were able to provide Module 2: ‘Leading like Nehemiah’ online, to a group of 7 pastors online through Zoom. It was an amazing experience! Although online is no substitute for in-person, it was really productive. These 7 will be taking Module 2 to train 56 leaders.
Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior. The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights.
The prophet is shaking as he waits for the day of calamity to fall on God’s people, then breaks out in a song of praise. Rather than giving in to fear he chooses to rejoice. Devastating circumstances on that day. In an agrarian society, it’s bleak. No grapes, no food, no cattle. Yet he rejoices. Not in the farming tragedy, but in God who saves and is sovereign. In our day, we could easily be paralyzed as we watch the second and third waves of the pandemic bring whole nations to their knees. Sickness, panic, deaths in their thousands. The timeless call of Habakkuk is to rejoice, not in catastrophes that befall us, but in our all-loving, all-wise, all-powerful Saviour-Sovereign! He is our strength. That’s what I see Barnabas School of Leadership (BSL) pastors and leaders in Nepal, Myanmar and Africa doing. Rejoicing in God when things appear impossible. Continuing to preach the gospel and disciple believers. Finding ways to develop leaders online and in-person (with smaller groups). Here’s a sample report from Lal Ruat Cawk, our BSL National Director in Myanmar:

Please pray for Myanmar, which is facing not just the pandemic but major political unrest. By faith they plan to teach Module 3 “Mentorship: Leading like Paul and Timothy” online to Cohort 4 from July 5-8.
Despite rampant outbreaks of the Delta variant of COVID in Uganda, this group, led by Bishop Okello, continues to meet in person. Incredible!

What are you facing today? However impossible it is, pause to say Habakkuk 3:17-19 out loud as an expression of joy, not in your circumstances, but in your Sovereign, saving God.
Joyfully in Christ,
Rowland Forman Mentor-Coach
PS. As some of you know, I haven’t been feeling well for the last month. It turns out it’s due to high blood pressure. Thankfully I’m on medications that seem to be working. Another praise point is that Elaine and I have been fully vaccinated against Covid.
PPS. Thank you for your prayer support. Don’t hesitate to email me – rowlandforman@gmail.com if, at present, you would like to be removed from this list. No embarrassment at all. I know it’s impossible to pray for every ministry that you bump into. Please let me know if some of your friends would like to be added to this ‘almost’ monthly Prayer Raft. I’m very grateful to my grandson, Harrison Carr for designing this month’s Raft.